Bill's Power Ranking (BPR)

The Bill Power Ranking (BPR) attempts to statistically rank each team's performance in each Yahoo category. Our league is based on head-to-head match-ups, and that's cool... but do you feel lucky? The BPR calculates how each team statistically ranks over the whole season taking the element of chance in head-to-head games out of the equation.

Scoring in our fantasy league is based on 10 separate categories. The BPR determines your relative strength in each category, sums them up and that's your BPR.

Specifically, BPR is calculated in 3 steps/tables:

A note on the "minus 5" in the BPR. This is done to eliminate the statistical error that occurs by ranking teams 1 through 8, which leads to an average ranking of 4.5. Subtracting 0.5 from each category ranking (and therefore 5 for all 10 categories) moves this average rank back down to the expected 4. This means that a team with a perfect ranking of 8 in every category will have a BPR of 75. A terrible team with a 1 ranking in each category will have a BPR of 5.

One other statistical gremlin... in the cases of ranking ties, Microsoft Excel rounds up. So, the BPR numbers may be very slightly inflated.

enjoy... yow, bill