Payton34 2007 Team Standings

Week 6
Team Owner Win Loss Tie Percent Points Points
per game
Cincy Dark Cobras Ty & Justin 5 1 0 0.833 386 64.3 330
Mellonville LaRues Eric Schoonover 4 1 1 0.800 403 67.2 287
KGG II Chris Martin 4 2 0 0.667 340 56.7 275
Naperville Zeppelin Bill Krieger 3 3 0 0.500 369 61.5 307
Hilltoppers Greg R. 3 3 0 0.500 322 53.7 401
Plainfield Gorillaz Mark Krieger 3 3 0 0.500 314 52.3 270
St. Charles Sapphire Myles Schoonover 2 2 2 0.500 316 52.7 322
Lawn Rangers Daryl Ziemke 2 4 0 0.333 286 47.7 344
Palatine Palladin Aaron Ziemke 1 4 1 0.200 266 44.3 407
ConnVicks Jay Cervenka 1 5 0 0.167 292 48.7 351
AVERAGE 329.4 54.9 329.4
MAX 403.0 67.2 407.0
MIN 266.0 44.3 270.0
cin=Cincy, con=ConnVicks, hil=Hilltoppers,
kgg=KGG II, law=Lawn Rangers, mel=Mellonville, nap=Naperville, pal=Palatine, pla=Plainfield,
sai=St. Charles
This Week's Results
Team1 Score1 Team2 Score2
nap 83 hil 55
cin 51 mel 83
con 42 pla 46
kgg 100 pal 34
sai 71 law 38
Week (weak) Notes:
Ding! KGG hits a hundred as the "Adrian Peterson Days" begin with 29 points for the rook.
Cincy finally loses, to Mellonville 83-51.
The Dark Cobra juggernaut still commands first place, though the Larue are right behind.
Plainfield sneaks past unlucky ConnVicks 46-42... a defensive struggle as the two teams combine for fewer points (88) than the KGG's triple-digit output. Cha.