Payton34 fantasy football — 2020 season

We're a Yahoo league:

All hail the 2019 Champion! Your better in every way™.
Dak to the Future, owner Myles S, myles1.jpg, myles2.jpg, myles2.jpg

Our online draft was Wed Sep 9, 2020 at 10:00 pm (tech difficulties), and...

Draft order:

1) RY-Boom, 2) The X, 3) KGG, 4) Springfield Ed,
5) Melonville LaRue, 6) RY-Butler, 7) Miami Mini, 8) Plano Tib,
9) Naper-Bill, 10) Streamwood, 11) Cardiac, 12) Dak to the Myles

Go old school — print out a draft helper, draft_helper.pdf

Draft results: Rounds 1-6, Rounds 7-12, Rounds 13-14

Draft math: we took 38 minutes to draft online. That means...

38 mins * 60 secs/min = 2,280 secs. We have 12 teams * 14 picks/team = 168 picks. Carry the one, that's 2,280 sec / 168 picks = 13.6 secs per pick. (shrug)

Owner selfies: kgg_football.jpg, pineapple_shirt.jpg

Final standings: final_standings.png

All-Payton34 Team: all_payton34_team.png

Playoffs bracket: playoff_bracket.png

Playoffs/Quarters: Cardiac 85, Hillbilly 77 ~ Melonville 116, Boom 76

Playoffs/Semis: Melonville 105, Arizona 79 ~ Springfield 153, Cardiac 58

Playoffs/Finals: Melonville 130, Springfield 115

Champion: Melonville LaRues, owner: Eric S

Congrats Eric on your third title in four years! (gasp)
We'll see all y'all next year.

thanks...yow, bill