Results 2K

Here are the game results for the UFFL 2000 season...

Week 1 Results

Peoria 30, Coal City 20 (boxscore)
Joliet 35, Orland Park 33 (boxscore)
La Grange 38, McElmo 18 (boxscore)
Tempe 49, Minooka 31 (boxscore)
Boston 32, Rockford 23 (boxscore)
Maryland 31, Santa Fe 27 (boxscore)
Bolingbrook 32, Hammond 20 (boxscore)
Madison 57, Black River 32 (boxscore)

Week 2 Results

Orland Park 32, Coal City 24 (boxscore)
Joliet 39, Peoria 32 (boxscore)
McElmo 41, Minooka 38 (boxscore)
Tempe 49, La Grange 40 (boxscore)
Santa Fe 44, Rockford 39 (boxscore)
Boston 26, Maryland 15 (boxscore)
Bolingbrook 44, Madison 40 (boxscore)
Hammond 45, Black River 37 (boxscore)

Week 3 Results

Coal City 49, Joliet 37 (boxscore)
Peoria 35, Orland Park 18 (boxscore)
Tempe 19, McElmo 19 (boxscore)
La Grange 22, Minooka 5 (boxscore)
Maryland 37, Rockford 19 (boxscore)
Santa Fe 32, Boston 18 (boxscore)
Black River 33, Bolingbrook 29 (boxscore)
Madison 21, Hammond 14 (boxscore)

Week 4 Results

Coal City 42, McElmo 35 (boxscore)
La Grange 43, Peoria 31 (boxscore)
Orland Park 26, Minooka 13 (boxscore)
Joliet 60, Tempe 38 (boxscore)
Rockford 31, Bolingbrook 26 (boxscore)
Hammond 53, Boston 46 (boxscore)
Santa Fe 43, Madison 19 (boxscore)
Maryland 31, Black River 30 (boxscore)

Week 5 Results

Coal City 29, Santa Fe 28 (boxscore)
Peoria 34, Maryland 20 (boxscore)
McElmo 25, Orland Park 21 (boxscore)
La Grange 39, Joliet 37 (boxscore)
Bolingbrook 87, Minooka 26 (boxscore)
Hammond 56, Tempe 22 (boxscore)
Madison 39, Rockford 27 (boxscore)
Boston 51, Black River 28 (boxscore)

Week 6 Results

Coal City 31, Minooka 14 (boxscore)
Tempe 40, Peoria 26 (boxscore)
Orland Park 44, Rockford 16 (boxscore)
Boston 41, Joliet 21 (boxscore)
McElmo 27, Madison 23 (boxscore)
Black River 39, La Grange 9 (boxscore)
Bolingbrook 45, Santa Fe 32 (boxscore)
Maryland 57, Hammond 26 (boxscore)

Week 7 Results

Coal City 45, Rockford 44 (boxscore)
Boston 42, Peoria 17 (boxscore)
Orland Park 58, Santa Fe 30 (boxscore)
Maryland 39, Joliet 34 (boxscore)
McElmo 21, Bolingbrook 19 (boxscore)
La Grange 31, Hammond 23 (boxscore)
Madison 44, Minooka 41 (boxscore)
Tempe 27, Black River 17 (boxscore)

Week 8 Results

Hammond 78, Coal City 53 (boxscore)
Black River 26, Peoria 6 (boxscore)
Orland Park 33, Madison 29 (boxscore)
Bolingbrook 52, Joliet 19 (boxscore)
McElmo 51, Rockford 32 (boxscore)
La Grange 41, Boston 13 (boxscore)
Maryland 49, Minooka 29 (boxscore)
Santa Fe 48, Tempe 15 (boxscore)


Week 9 Results

Coal City 39, Boston 8 (boxscore)
Peoria 29, Santa Fe 20 (boxscore)
Maryland 32, Orland Park 27 (boxscore)
Joliet 23, McElmo 22 (boxscore)
Bolingbrook 71, La Grange 24 (boxscore)
Minooka 30, Hammond 29 (boxscore)
Madison 36, Tempe 31 (boxscore)
Rockford 38, Black River 16 (boxscore)

Week 10 Results

Coal City 22, Tempe 11 (boxscore)
Peoria 37, Rockford 22 (boxscore)
Orland Park 40, Boston 28 (boxscore)
Santa Fe 53, Joliet 26 (boxscore)
McElmo 51, Hammond 9 (boxscore)
La Grange 26, Madison 23 (boxscore)
Minooka 48, Black River 40 (boxscore)
Bolingbrook 40, Maryland 14 (boxscore)

Week 11 Results

Maryland 22, Coal City 22 (boxscore)
Peoria 50, McElmo 43 (boxscore)
Orland Park 25, La Grange 15 (boxscore)
Joliet 44, Minooka 29 (boxscore)
Bolingbrook 40, Tempe 33 (boxscore)
Hammond 20, Rockford 12 (boxscore)
Madison 37, Boston 21 (boxscore)
Santa Fe 34, Black River 27 (boxscore)

Week 12 Results

La Grange 31, Coal City 22 (boxscore)
Minooka 61, Peoria 25 (boxscore)
Orland Park 43, Tempe 25 (boxscore)
Joliet 34, Rockford 14 (boxscore)
McElmo 26, Black River 23 (boxscore)
Boston 39, Bolingbrook 25 (boxscore)
Hammond 18, Santa Fe 17 (boxscore)
Madison 34, Maryland 24 (boxscore)

Week 13 Results

Coal City 26, Peoria 22 (boxscore)
Orland Park 44, Joliet 44 (boxscore)
McElmo 53, La Grange 28 (boxscore)
Tempe 34, Minooka 26 (boxscore)
Rockford 64, Boston 36 (boxscore)
Santa Fe 32, Maryland 18 (boxscore)
Bolingbrook 34, Hammond 32 (boxscore)
Madison 42, Black River 32 (boxscore)

Week 14 Results

Orland Park 34, Coal City 32 (boxscore)
Joliet 21, Peoria 17 (boxscore)
Minooka 41, McElmo 25 (boxscore)
La Grange 34, Tempe 30 (boxscore)
Rockford 46, Santa Fe 10 (boxscore)
Boston 44, Maryland 19 (boxscore)
Madison 26, Bolingbrook 18 (boxscore)
Hammond 21, Black River 14 (boxscore)

Week 15 Results

Coal City 20, Joliet 6 (boxscore)
Peoria 53, Orland Park 33 (boxscore)
Tempe 41, McElmo 32 (boxscore)
La Grange 35, Minooka 30 (boxscore)
Rockford 35, Maryland 28 (boxscore)
Boston 39, Santa Fe 34 (boxscore)
Bolingbrook 41, Black River 31 (boxscore)
Madison 55, Hammond 37 (boxscore)

UFFL 2K Playoffs

Boston 42, La Grange 23 (boxscore)
Madison 74, Orland Park 45 (boxscore)

UFFL 2K Mother Bowl

Madison Blues 54, Boston Brigands 31 (boxscore)

Updated: 12/12/2000