----- Original Message -----
From: Stephen Tucker
To: Vipers ; Terminators ; Sun Devils2 ; Sun Devils ; Stormin' Eagle2 ; RumpHumper2 ; RumpHumper ; Maulers ; Mansons ; Kegtappers ; Eliminators ; Brigand2 ; Brigand ; Beans ; B.C. Maniacs
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2001 2:13 AM
Subject: UFFL

Due to the amount of controversy and the nature of all recent controversy that I am just plain tired of dealing with because it has become not fun...
The UFFL is hereby done. There will be no draft or season.
Hopefully this will allow enough time for anyone interested to find another league.
Sorry guys, I just am not going to deal with this any longer.
Your former UFFL Commissioner