Fantasy Leagues at


Fantasy baseball

This league is the BIG Daddy. LetsPlay3 has been around for more than a dozen years now. Fantasy baseball is the best. Easy.

Email me if you're interested in joining.



Fantasy football

We started this league in 2006. If fantasy baseball is chess, then this is checkers. Still, it's a lot of fun, and a reason to watch on Sunday.


The NIBL (and more)

Fantasy basketball

The NIBL passed away many years ago. (RIP NIBL) Some great fun back in the day, and the fossils are cool to dig up every now and then. Something new in here too.


Legacy Page

All-league, all-time, all stats

The Legacy Page keep stats for fantasy owners across all leagues and over all the years we've been playing.

This page has gotten away from me. Some day. (shrug)

Legacy Page

PS - Here are a couple of bonus leagues for you: