Previous classes

Can you please excuse me for a second... ... I need to stow the "Cheating & Plagiarism" link somewhere so that I can refer to it in my classes. OK, please continue on with your business.

An archive (a tiny but growing archive) of classes that I have taught...

Winter 2008

One fun class... CSC 210 Data Structures and Algorithms

Well, at least I had fun.

he he... yow, bill

Fall 2007

One massive class this term... CSC 453 Systems Analysis

misty water-colored memories... yow, bill

Spring 2007

Just one tiny class... CSC 457 Software Quality and Reliability

just ab and jg and mm... yow, bill

Winter 2007


run faster bill... yow, bill

Fall 2006

The three-fer:

CSC 454/554

Object-Oriented Analysis & Design

IFS 106

Information Management Using  Databases

IFS 104

Problem-solving Using Spreadsheets

uh-huh... yow, bill

Spring 2006

Four classes... four times the bone-jarring fun:

yikes... yow, bill

Winter 2005/2006

I got yelled at (in hilarious fashion) by some bureaucratic nabob in administration for calling this term "Winter 2005," as they seem fit to call a class given in December 2005, the "Winter 2006." Whatever. Just enjoy the goodness:

And here's a real Winter 2006 class for you:

Fall 2005


Spring 2005


Fall 2004

CSC 230

Discrete Math

CSC 230 web site


IFS 104

Problem-solving using Spreadsheets

IFS 104 web site


Winter 2004

CSC 480

Digital Logic & Computer Design

Winter 2004 term

CSC 480 web site


Winter 2003 interim term

IFS 104

Problem-solving using Spreadsheets

IFS 104 web site


Fall 2003 term

CSC 220

Computer System Concepts

CSC 220 web site


Summer 2003 term

CSC 161

Introduction to Programming II

CSC 161 web site


Spring 2003 term

CSC 161

Introduction to Programming II

CSC 161 web site


Winter 2003 term

CSC 160

Introduction to Programming

CSC 160 web site


Spring 2002 term

CSC 420

"Operating Systems"

Spring fresh Operating Systems at:

CSC 420


Winter 2002 term

CSC 480/580

IFS 115 - Digital Logic & Computer Design

"Digital Logic & Computer Design"

We meet monday and Wednesday nights over chips and dip... check it out:

CSC 480

IFS 115

"Web Page Development"

We are an elite strike team that meets 8:00 am on Saturday mornings. Hey, is this web design or ice fishing?

IFS 115