i still nibl

NIBL 1999 Teams

First off, here's the NIBL 1999 player draft held on Feb 6, 1999.

NIBL 1999 Player Draft

Second, here's all the contact information for each team.

Team Owner Email Phone Page
Aruba William T. Krieger wkrieger@ntsource.com 630-527-1741 aru.htm
Baghdad Eric Schoonover ehs@mc.net 847-608-9547 bag.htm
Bolingbrook Rob Reed bear@enteract.com 630-679-0540 bol.htm
Capital City John Raimondo jrai@ntsource.com 630-527-9415 cap.htm
Diablo Daniel Bruessel danielbruessel@hotmail.com 630-527-9415 dia.htm
Elk Grove Moz Krieger Hipogt@aol.com 847-352-8280 elk.htm
Joliet Timothy Herring durtybyrd@webtv.net 815-723-4663 jol.htm
Manila Denise Raimondo jrai@ntsource.com 630-527-9415 man.htm
Matunuck Tony Georgi ceildog@fortwayne.infi.net 219-456-8100 mat.htm
Shorewood Shell Evans bamashell@hotmail.com 815-729-3448 sho.htm
Sioux City Steve Tucker tucker@newnorth.net 715-427-3757 sue.htm
Vegas Tom Dieboldt thomas.dieboldt@nextel.com 630-836-1943 veg.htm
Walla Walla Paul Bailey iced@email.msn.com 815-932-6199 wal.htm
West Chicago Don Fenton donald.fenton@nextel.com 708-417-5164 wes.htm